
Year of the Dragon 2012.

Ending the first day into the first day of the new lunar new year and week's long celebration.

It's the year of the Dragon!!! 

Cheap decor for the home from a local Chinese market since I never did do the lanterns. ><

I worked today for the full 8hr shift and my mom told me to ask if I could leave early. I was about to...but then my office manager asked me "apple or yogurt?" during out last hour of work. I accepted a blueberry could I leave?

But I did tell my sister to take pics...and I have taught her well.

Steamed fish! And yes, that is a really old wok. lol.

Clams, two types of mushrooms, and white/brown rice (which I'm not too fond of..)


Though it wasn't your typical traditional Chinese New Year's meal, it was just as good. We're quite an Americanized family, but our little cultural traditions are ever so special to me. Usually, we'd order in some take-out, but my mom decided to cook. The Year of the Dragon is already starting on a great note.

And ending it off with this red envelope ("Lei See") from my mom. ♡

Hope that the new lunar year brings you much happiness, prosperity, and changes...for the BETTER! 
23 comments on "Year of the Dragon 2012."
  1. aww happy chinese new year hon!! loved looking through your CNY's pictures!! you're making me miss my family oh so much!! haha :)

  2. happy new year! :) love the food pics! looks super nom to meee!

    ahahaha at your not being able to ask to get away 1 hour early. It's so typical of what I'd do. I bet you were really flustered too about not being able to ask to leave and kicking yourself. XD

    I got two red envelopes today but I have to admit I have no idea wher eI put them after I received them..............

    I didnt even open them. :S oops!

  3. Mmmmm .. that chicken looks delish!!  Gong Hee Fot Choy!

  4. Happy Chinese New Years! My mom loves to steam fish in a wok like that too and ours is also super old.

  5. the food looks yummy and very authentic! i miss home made food!! :)

    do you get an off day on chinese new year in the states?

  6. Happy Chinese New Year! I've never celebrated it so it's interesting to see what kind of food is eaten! and LOL about the yogurt. I could just imagine that.  I've had that happened to me a couple of times at work but now I just leave because I hate my coworkers LOL

  7. Happy Chinese New Year to you too! <3 Hope you ate lots of yummy food~
    Awww, it must be tough being so far away sometimes. But every time I read your blog, you still are having much fun. :D

  8. Hehe. Happy New Year again to you!! :D

    ahaha. Kind of. My office manager is really really nice so...I guess I got my full last hr of pay too. XD 

    lol. Aren't they filled with money? Save it for your trippp! 

  9. Happy Chinese New Year to you too!! :]

  10. Gong Hay Fat Choy to you too!! ^^

  11. Happy Chinese New Year to you too!! ahaha. Guess it's quite a staple in most Asian families. XD

  12. It was! My mom rarely cooks like this so it was nice for her to cook all of this for us. ^^

    I think it depends on the company? It's not a national holiday, but it's still widely recognized~

  13. Aww thank you!! :] This dinner isn't really "traditional" minus...the fish. haha. LOL. Awww~ my office manager is super nice so I felt even worse. XD

  14. Happy Chinese newy year :D all the food looks good esp the chicken :D

  15. Happy New Year again sweetie!!

    Mmmh you meal looks so good!! <3

  16. Happy Lunar New Year to you! I totally cracked up when you said you don't like the brown mixed rice.. cuz I'm the same! I love my plump white jasmine rice. Btw love the first pic of the dragon!!

  17. Happy Lunar new year! Hope you a have a wonderful Dragon year Tiffany :D

    Great pictures !!

  18. Happy lunar new year! My family is not much for the traditions either, but giving red pockets definitely needs to stay! haha

  19. Yum the fish looks delish! I'm not a huge fan of brown rice either. It just doesn't pick up sauces as well as white rice does.  Happy belated new year!
