A golden cloud of dreams. Where currency is limitless in the possibilities that await.

Ever since I've come across a dear, fellow blogger's ( Yasumi of Worship Blues ) shop, I have been itching to claim a shiny fing and and call it my own. During this past holiday season, I was lucky enough to snatch this "golden cloud" necklace in her last set of pieces to end 2011.

Her wrapping is the cutest and most thoughtful I've seen yet. She takes the time out to package each shiny fing in such a way to really make a new owner feel as if they have received a piece of "magic." And though she is from the UK, shipping was very prompt. Thank you so much! ♡

I picked this "golden cloud" as a tolken of dreams. But to always remember not to let dreams always be dreams. 2012 is going to be a fantastic year. And to all the dragon babies out there...IT'S OUR YEAR! Let's make it count, shall we?
Her shop is currently closed, but will soon be reopening in a few days (Jan. 7 to be exact.) Looking forward to what pieces she'll be releasing throughout the upcoming year!
But is it just me or has time slowed down ever since we all rang in the new year? I do feel like the new year can be marked as a new start to a new beginning and to an old end. It's a time where I can reflect on all that I've done/haven't done that year, and a time to remake my new resolutions. Though resolutions may seem too cliche for some, resolutions help keep me in check for what I want to accomplish. As each year goes by, I feel like everything leading up into the new year, life experiences and all, lead up to the reflection of the person I have become. I'll admit that I'll probably forget about some or most of these resolutions as I become more or less busy with my every day life, but every since coming into the online blogging word, it's become a tradition of mine to set down my own resolutions, hoping to fulfill them in the upcoming 365+ days to come. But this time around, I'm determined to fulfill them all.
Resolutions for 2012:
- Read more. Back in college, being an English major, I've read my share of literature back in the day. Though it was very overwhelming at times, I enjoyed it. But, I don't recall a specific time where I ever picked up a book of choice for pleasure. This is one resolution that I can to make count this year. I've got a copy of The Hunger Games and will be working on starting and finishing that one before the movie comes out! I feel that it would be a great personal reward to read a book before watching the movie! (Yeah, I'm not a HP fan..unfortunately. :3)
- Write more. Blogging here on blogger (sometimes on tumblr), has helped me so much in the past and I feel like it has helped me grow tremendously as an individual.
- Be more patient. I'm not the most patient when it comes to those that I love, but "patience is a virtue" and I plan to practice it well.
- Have a voice. I have a tendency to tune out the rest of the world at times when I feel like I can't relate as well as I'd like. I'm a great listener, but at times I do forget that I can speak and I do have a voice. All of this accounts for my confidence, which definitely needs some work still. Hello, my name is Tiffany and I'm an introvert.
- Relax more. Don't be so serious all the time. I tend to get very serious in situations where I should be having the time of my life.
- Cook more. This was one of my resolutions last year, and I feel like I touched upon it, but still not enough to satisfy my creative craving to cook up some mean dishes! I'll be working on this one...you'll see.
- Drink more water. I'm definitely not a water drinker (unless it comes to restaurant settings). You'll find me sipping on some sugary drinks at home to get my liquid fill. I know...pretty bad. So, this year I am going to try to PUSH MORE WATER (heh heh). I tend to forget to hydrate myself often too. Such a bad habit. ><
- Save more money. Oh, money. -sigh- There's a big difference in the things in life that I "want" and "need". I find myself in that same dilemma every time I see something that's calling out to be "bought." But, I need to prioritize my money. I want to travel to so many places in the world still! But, I'm not gonna get anywhere if I don't start buckling down and counting those dollar signs.
- Look into more D.I.Y. projects. There's a unique satisfaction of making something by hand.
- Write more things down. From lists to inspirations, I feel like this habit will take me to far, exciting places. It'll also help to prioritize my own goals and my own time. Time stops for no one!
- Embrace my inner fashionista. I have so many ideas of how to revamp my wardrobe with pairing pieces with others that I wouldn't normally pair together. I'll be on the hunt for my "timeless" pieces to incorporate so that I can get more wears out of them.
- Finish the dramas I've started. I've started SO MANY that I feel like I can't start any more until I finish them. Yup. At a block in the road. But, working on it! The first that I will finish is "Protect the Boss". Yes, I still haven't finished it. ;3
- Step out of my comfort zone and simply enjoy life. I need to remind myself that life is beautiful and that it's ok to stop and smell the roses. There are places to see and people to meet! And there's no one that can stop me now~
What are some of your new year's resolutions?
(And if you have any book recommendations, please leave them in the comments. ♡)
Darn, I now want to get a necklace from her!
ReplyDeleteThis golden cloud necklace is really nice ^^
you have put a nice meaning to it!
xx http://icepandora.blogspot.com
pretty necklace!
ReplyDeletei love love love reading! hope you get around to enjoying it ^_^
and omg i cant cook. fail. HAHA
cute necklace!
ReplyDeletegood luck with your resolutions :) I won't be asking myself much this year.. perhaps better health.. and well try more out there. Ohh I was also an English major too. I know what you mean about reading lol.
little kawaii cloud <3
ReplyDeletemy resolutions will probably be work harder and save more ..must control my spending..been loosening my wallet strings(or rather that my wallet has a big hole trickling money down the drain)
ganbatte on our resolutions and hope that we would at least fulfil one for 2012 XD
hehe i like to read books with no angst and more of romance =D
I love her shiny fings <3 I hope I can do a lot of those things you listed as well in 2012!
ReplyDeleteInspiring! Great resolutions~ I have many similar to you. I will be reading a A LOT for school (I am a comparative literature major) but I also want to read more for pleasure. I used to read a lot more in the past and I want to get back to it.
ReplyDeleteGreat Resolutions,mine are just to eat healthier and exercise more!Hope you have a great successful New Year! Now following! xoxo
You should totally pick up on of her shiny fings once she reopens her shop. ^^
ReplyDeleteAw, thanks. :]
Thank you!!! I hope so too. ^^
ReplyDeleteHaha~ I'm getting a little better. I haven't burned anything lately...XD
Thanks!! :D
ReplyDeleteAh yes~ better health indeed. LOL yes...the reading. x_x I kind of want to re-read some of the books that I read back then without pressure.
Hehe yes. ^^
ReplyDeleteYES! Spending is a big one to work on. >< Yess~ ganbatte to us! We can do it. More self-control. lol. Ah~ no angst? More romance...I like the sound of that.
Indeed. :D I hope to too~
ReplyDeleteThank you dear. ^^ I hope you'll start your separate book blog soon!
ReplyDeleteAhh yess...I forgot to put in "exercise more." I'll be working on that too. Hope you have a fantastic new year as well! (And thanks for following!!)
ReplyDeletePretty necklace and great resolution list! :D There was a time when I was reading quite a bit but then it kinda died...haha. I'm ready to jump back into that and reading the Steve Jobs book soon. I also want to cook more! Good luck to both of us :D
ReplyDeleteP.S Thank you for all your comments, sweetie. <3
Ooh! I saw the Steve Jobs book the other day at a small book store. I kind of want to read that one too. YES! Good luck to us. :D
ReplyDeleteYou're welcome. <3
The necklace is cute! And I know what you mean about time slowing down - it feels like the days have been dragging ever since the end of the holidays. I guess it's because we're all back to school and work and our normal routines now maybe?
ReplyDeleteAnd best of luck with your resolutions! A lot of the things you mentioned are things I'm trying to do too - like read more, finish the dramas I've been putting off, be less introverted, and of course, saving money, something I never seem to be able to do lol